
The third son of Leah with Jacob. In the third, Leah said, “Now this time (finally) my husband will be close to me, because I have given three sons to him; Therefore we called his name Levi.” The origin of the name Levi is Hebrew. It comes from the Hebrew Lewi and means “bonded to.” The sacred books governing Judaism, the name Levi would have originated from the word yillaweh, meaning “he will join”. This meaning is a reference of Leah’s yearning. Other scholars further suggest that Levi would have arisen from the term borrowed from the Minain language, lawi’u, meaning “priest.” The name Levi makes her believe that, finally, Jacob will legally unite with her. Levi is an inconsequential, impetuous boy who does not understand peaceful solutions. Revolting with his sister’s dishonor, without respecting his father’s decision, he joins Simeon and commits the slaughter of Shechem, filling Jacob with disgust.

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