Opposite Lives

Opposite Lives tells the story of Miguel (Leo Rosa), a young rich man of a traditional family, and Joana (Maytê Piragibe), a student and tourist guide who lives in a slum. Although dating an elegant and rich fashion designer, Erínia (Lavínia Vlasak), Miguel and Joana fall in love for each other and they decide to get married.

Everything goes well until Joana’s old boyfriend, Jackson (Heitor Martinez) leaves prison, and decides that he wants to date her again. When he finds out about her new romance, he tries to force Joana back by keeping Miguel as a hostage and threatening to kill him. Hopeless, Joana unites with the people in the slums and the criminal is killed.

This happening unwinds contradictory reactions: a part of the society, authorities and press consider Joana and Miguel heroes, but another part, influenced by corrupt policemen and partners of Jackson, accuses them of being drug dealers and they swear to kill the couple.

In this breathtaking landscape of Rio de Janeiro, enhanced by the touristic activities of several characters, Joana and Miguel’s struggle to prove their innocence and to escape from the pursuit of bandits and corrupt policemen will be a saga of adventure, romance, thrill and excitement that will bravely deal with the tragic social reality that exists in many countries.

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