Crossed Lives

Teodoro and his granddaughter, Leticia, meet again over 20 years later. Fruit of a passion of his daughter Beatriz and a poor boy, the younger brother of one of Teodoro’s rival, Leticia is rejected by the Oliveira de Barros family patriarch and sent to a boarding school in Switzerland soon after birth.

In fact, Letícia was exchanged for Aquiles, son of Ambrósio, a loyal employee of Teodoro, to enable an agreement that could save the assets and honor of the family.

Teodoro was bankrupt and his greatest creditor, the powerful and sick Mr. Aquiles Machado made him an extraordinary proposal: to marry his pregnant daughter Beatriz as long as a baby boy, who would be his heir and legacy, was born. Aquiles was born the same day as Leticia and his mother dies. The children are exchanged and Leticia is sent to Switzerland by her grandfather, Teodoro. Ambrósio delivers Aquiles as gratitude to the Oliveira de Barros family. Beatriz does not know about the exchange.

In the present, a young Letícia in her 20’s repeats the story of her mother and gets pregnant. Expecting a baby, Letícia escapes from the boarding school and returns to Brazil. Here, fate plays another trick: She brings a letterhead  paper of the Hotel Intermares in Recife she had received from the father of her son, Aquiles, who took her place in the Oliveira de Barros family. Leticia reaches Pernambuco only to meet the father of her child. Aquiles, however, refuses to see her and delegates to his grandfather, Teodoro, the problem. The consequences of this rencounter between grandfather and granddaughter will cause dramatic changes in the lives of  the main players in this story.

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